About Kettlebells Certification

Kettle bells are used in ballistic exercises for cardiovascular strength and flexibility training, helping to build endurance. With roots in ancient Greece, they made their way to Russia in the 1700's and by the late 1800's had become a sport and training tool called Girya, thanks to the founder of heavy athletics, Dr. V Kreavsky. Used by famed strong men around the world in the early 1900's, they went on to be used in the west by the military and Olympic athletes.


Kettle bells were introduced to Sri Lanka in 2013 by Sarath through his establishment - the Sri Lanka Kettlebells Academy. Sarath is certified by the EKFA.


Kettle bells certification course content


1 what is h.f.p.i and, strength coach kettle bells academy

2 missions

3 visions


Introduction to kettle bells training


1 history video etc.

2 benefit

3 Type of kettle bells and contraindication

4 breathing


Warm up with kettle bells and without kettle bells

kettle bells exercise, description,


1 Swing [2 hand and one hand]

2 Clean and rack position

3 Presses

4 Push press

5 Arm jerk

6 Snatch single and double

7 Clean and press Single and double

8 Clean and jerk single and double

9 wind mill

10 Turkish get up


Kettle bells variation


1 bend press

2Arm bar

3Double arm swing

4 Swing with walk

5 Double kb press

6 Double jerk

7 Double kb push press

8 Double clean and press

9 Double snatch

10 Half snatch

11Hang snatch

12 One straight leg dead lift

13 Renegade row

14 Berpeece with kettle bells

15 Snatch and squat

16 Squat and alternate press

17 Side lunges with high pull.

18 Swiss ball chest press

19 Alternate kettle bells bicep curl

20 kettle bells triceps extension

21 Bottom up press

22 Lunges and rotation / press


Kettle bells for sports Rate of force development Stretch shortening cycle Racket games /Cricket /Rugby/Martial arts/

Kettle bells research details Vo 2max, swing, etc Kettle bells program design Competition rules Preparation for competition